Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Project development: Target Audience : Purpose & Solution

Project tittle: Earthquake Evacuation plan
Target Audience: Young teenagers of 12-17 years old (south east asia)
Purpose: To raise awareness among young teenagers on Earthquake issue and educate them on earthquake evacuation.

The reason we focus on this target audience is because most of the teenagers living in south east asia are not aware of the seriousness an earthquake may cause. This is because most of the country here (besides Indonesia) are located outside the active plate boundaries thus, thus the citizen  did not received proper education and training of what to do during earthquakes compared to other countries whereby Earthquake happens frequently such as Japan and Taiwan

Solution: Typography Video
As teenagers nowadays are very attached to social network sites like facebook and twitter, sharing interesting stuff on their website and wall is very common among them. The most common thing shared by them are music videos or clips uploaded at youtube and vimeo. Thus, our solution to reach this group of traget audience is by creating a typography video to deliver the message as fast as possible.

2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami: 
Many life were taken away as majority of them are not aware that an earthquake may cause tsunami

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